Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Musings of an addled mind

When thinking about potty training Eoghan and all that this might entail recently, my mind went on a complete tangent.

If we train him, that inner voice mused, that means we would have car journeys without nappies and as a results, with added emergency stops. When a boy has got to go, he has got to to go, right?

So, you are in the car along the dual carriage way when nature calls and you are forced to pull into the hard shoulder. You take Eoghan out and let him piddle by the side of the road holding him tightly so he doesn't run off and get knocked down. Eoghan then throws a strop over something or other, wriggles away... and gets flattened by a car.

You don't need to potty train him. It's perfectly ok for him to be in nappies until he is 20, right?

My head just loves to think of these types of far fetched disaster scenarios randomly.
Welcome to my world.