Thursday 31 May 2012

The Results Are In!

Interesting how more often than not, my occasional times of severe struggle are coinciding with something or other happening that make me go: Ahhh...that is why I have been so down lately. Just how did my subconscious know?

Received notification today that Dr. Krous and his team have completed their work on Patrick's case and reviewed their report which is basically a complete and detailed account of family medical history, ante-natal care, Patrick's birth, development, medical history, death, postmortem etc etc etc. They reviewed the postmortem results from Limerick and had a fresh look at the info and samples and drew their own conclusions.

The end result? A re-iteration of the original verdict...SUDC (though here they call it SUDI).
They did note one thing that I will be interested in learning more about when we have the follow up conf call.

To put it simply, they felt it noteworthy that the part of the brain where the centre for breathing is situated, appeared to be...well not quite under-developed but not as developed as they would expect it to be. It was lacking neurons, to be more precise. In the sample they had, they saw way less neurons than they would have expected. make a definite call whether this could be classed as arcuate hypoplasia, they would have had to have more samples...or something. AND whether or not this would have had an impact on things is not for certain either.

As per Wikipedia:
"In the medulla oblongata, the arcuate nucleus is a group of neurons located on the anterior surface of the medullary pyramids. They receive fibers from the corticospinal tract and send their axons through the anterior external arcuate fibers and striae medullares to the cerebellum via the inferior cerebellar peduncle.

Arcuate nuclei are capable of chemosensitivity and have a proven role in controlling respiratory frequency."

Odd...I think with SIDS there are theories out there that an underdevelopment of that part of the brain may have something to do with it. Something goes whallop...the brain ceases to tell to body to keep breathing, breathing stops, heart is affected,as oxygen levels drop (which does not help in kicking the brain into action again)...

I don't know but my gut tells me this is possible how it might have happened. Though what causes that part of the brain not to be developed to the extent it should be is perhaps something that is not yet known....or whether this is a contributor in the first place. Who knows...we could all be barking up the wrong tree altogether. But at least this theory makes sense to me.

It was tough to see our story detailed like that. To see Patrick's last day described, his organs and their weight listed, an account of what happened when he was found.

More so it was hard to see the time of death. It occurred to me that I had never actually known the time of death. I've been meaning to look at the death cert but had not done so.

14:34, January 25, 2011. That is when he was pronounced.

Unbelievable still. I cannot understand how this healthy, chirpy little boy is no longer with us and right now tucked up in his bed upstairs. I often see things that make me think: "Patrick would have gotten such a kick out of that!"

20:52, April 05, 2009 - 14:34 January 25, 2011
I miss you more than any words could ever express, Sproggy. Keep minding us from where you are and keep sending those little signs. Love you loads!